Limfjorden, really, is a shallow part of the sea, located in Denmark where it has been regarded as a fjord ever since Viking times. However, it has inlets both from the North Sea and Kattegat, and as such diffeer from the technical definition of a “fjord”. It is approximately 180 kilometres (111 miles) long and of an irregular shape with numerous bays, narrowings, and islands, most notably Mors, and the smaller ones Fur, Venø, Jegindø, Egholm and Livø. These characteristics do not only make Limfjorden fun to explore, it also offer superior efficiency to those fishing from a boat.
Interestingly, a large number of the very best and most productive sea trout streams exit in Limfjorden… Despite the proven performance of these streams as both spawing and fishing ground, the popularity of Limfjorden as a prime troutfishing playing field has not reached the heights of e.g. coastal areas around Fyn or Mariager Fjord. Given the recognition of e.g. Lindeborg Å, Ry Å, Trend Å, Binderup Å, Halkær og Sønderup Å, Simested Å, Skals Å, Jordbrå Å, and not least Karup Å, this seems strange. Perhaps the vast areas to fish on and location in Northern Part of Jutland is what keeps most people away, giving some a perception of the place being not as easily approachable as some of its sister-waters elsewhere in Denmark.
Truthfully, when looking at a map, it becomes quite evident that the Fjord is… large… and not as easily accessible especially when it comes to e.g. early spring fishing where covering many spots is often critical to success. This underscore the benefits of going after the fish from the seaside. Vast areas can be covered by boat in little time, and shortcuts can be made in a lot of cases comparing to the dependency on roads, bridge-crossings, parking lots, traffic etc.
Havørreden kan fanges hele vejen fra den yderste vestlige del af fjorden startende ved Thyborøn og helt til det østlige udløb ved Hals & Egense. Den midterste og vestlige del har dog mere veldefinerede og højere koncentration af attraktive spots. Hvad området ved Hals angår, har dette dog den “sæsonbestemte” fordel at være tæt på nogle gode makrelspots, der bedst nås med båd, hvilket i juli-august giver gode muligheder for at få den eftertragtede “mini-tun” på krogen. Overvej evt. makrelfiskeri fra båd sammen med IntoBlue.
Sammenlignet med den gennemsnitlige størrelse af havørreder i fx Mariager Fjord, er fiskene i Limfjorden typisk noget større, men heller ikke tilgængelige i helt samme antal. Fisk >45 cm og 50-60cm fanges ofte. Når vi observerer de mange imponerende fangster i ovennævnte vandløb, ved vi også med sikkerhed, at fjorden gemmer på mange havørreder >6 kg og endda mere end 10 kg. De helt store bæster menes dog at forlade fjorden relativt hurtigt efter gydning og tilbyder derfor kun et smalt vindue til at blive fanget.
On Havørred Limfjordens hjemmesidyou can find vast information on fishing spots, accomodation, fishing tips, angling shops, tourist offices and more.
Værdsat af mange som en delikatesse, andre betragter det som et elskovsmiddel og godt for potensen, og af danske biologer benævnes det slet og ret en invasiv art. Crassotrea Gigas, den latinske betegnelse for Pacific Oyster, deler som sådan vandene. I Limfjorden overgår de den originale og unikke “Limfjords østers” i antal og medvirker til at fortrænge denne fra fjorden , hvilket ikke hjælper med at forbedre dens image. Hvis du er en østers-afficionado, kan du dog gøre noget for at gendanne den økologiske balance ved at tage for dig af denne østers-buffet, som kan findes i knædybde i bestemte områder i Limfjorden både nord, midt, syd og Vest. Start evt. med at tage på østerssafari Limfjorden med Intoblue.
Last but not least, the black lobster has become a more common view in Limfjorden over the past few years – if you know where to look, that is! There is a local preservation period of these lobsters from 1st of July to 31st of August after which catching them is allowed again. Lobsters in Limfjorden carrying eggs, however, must always be released. If you know where to find large (big)rock formations (at IntoBlue we consider ourselves experts in this regard) you will most certainly find lobsters too…
With a length of approximately 35 km, Mariager Fjord is the longest fjord in Denmark.
The width of Mariager Fjord varies from 4½ km to 250 metres (2,8-0,16 miles) and its area is about 47 km2s (18 square miles). The depth is up to 30 metres (ca. 100 ft), however, most parts of the fjord where fishing for sea trout is done in more shallow areas of the fjord, ranging from 0 – 3 meters of depth.
From a boat fishing perspective, Mariager Fjord is (also) ideal.
The fact that it is very narrow implies that the fjord can be easily crossed within a matter of merely a couple of minutes to try multiple spots or to seek cover of position acc. change in weather or water conditions. As there is only one bridge crossing across the entire fjord, getting from north to south side or vice versa in a car is very time consuming, consequently, losing out on time with your fly or lure in the water. Further, as the Fjord is considerably smaller than Limfjorden, there will be greater competition for the best spots when fishing from shore – but coming from the sea-side, there will be plenty of room.
Mariager Fjord is probably best known by the extremely healthy-looking and always slightly “colored” seatrouts. They may share family name with those actually leaving the fjord to feed off the ocean, but on the contrary they actually spend most / all its life inside the fjord. Year-round, this particular trout is more golden in its appearance and often with large red spots making it look almost like a brown trout
The Yellow Reef is a high plateau on the edge of the Norskedybet. The entire area is about 150 km. long and the average width is about 20 km. As such, the fishing ground is very extensive.
To hundreds of both commercial and recreational fishing vessels this is the preferred hunting ground for the simple reason that large-size cod, saithe etc. feed here in very large numbers.
Also, the more coastal areas around Hirtshals offer good fishing spots in closer proximity to port should weather conditions not allow exploration of the Yellow Reef and its deep wreck positions themselves.
Using our boat, the Reef itself can be reached within less than an hour of sailing; considerably shorter time compared to all “classic” tour boats.
The variety of species at Yellow Reef is quite extra ordinary, and special trips can be arranged should there be request for targetting a “species run” rather than focusing on “normal” preferred option of choice for cod, pollack, ling and saithe.
The different starting points are firm for Offshore fishing only (Hirtshals) whereas they for all other trips are indicative and suggestions only. The highlighted spots do, however, generally speaking represent good starting points both logistically as well as fishing-wise or for other boat trips. Based on Customer preferences & needs and time of the season, the final pick will be made in agreement with You.
Our core focus is to use boattrips to provide superior marine-related experiences on, at and under water with emphasis on different degrees and forms of fishing & collecting some of nature’s finest resources from the Sea. We do so by using modern and well-equipped boats for efficieny, fun & comfort. Throw in plenty of 1st hand experience in fishing, diving and harvesting the local waters, and spice it up with culinary twist, historical & biological background information and a high service level.
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